Rash thoughts about .NET, C#, F# and Dynamics NAV.

"Every solution will only lead to new problems."

Wednesday, 14. October 2015

Crazy stuff people do with FAKE and Paket – 1 of n

Filed under: .NET,C#,F#,FAKE - F# Make,Visual Studio — Steffen Forkmann at 11:33 Uhr

As many readers already know I’m maintaing the open source projects FAKE and Paket. These projects are used in many companies and open source projects to make continuous integration work on .NET and mono.

In this article series I want to highlight some of the more unsual use cases. Today I want to start and highlight the first 6 amazing projects.


FsReveal allows you to write beautiful slides in Markdown and brings C# and F# to the reveal.js web presentation framework.” [project site]

FsReveal uses Paket’s GitHub file dependencies feature to download reveal.js:

FsReveal GitHub references

It also uses a FAKE build script which converts Markdown files to html slides (via FSharp.Formatting) and runs these slides in a suave.io web server. FAKE’s file system watcher + suave’s socket implementation even allows you to edit your slides with automatic preview:



Stanford.NLP for .NET is a port of Stanford NLP distributions to .NET.

This project contains build scripts that recompile Stanford NLP .jar packages to .NET assemblies using IKVM.NET, tests that help to be sure that recompiled packages are workable and Stanford.NLP for .NET documentation site that hosts samples for all packages. All recompiled packages are available on NuGet.” [project site]

This project downloads .jar packages via Paket’s HTTP dependencies feature, recompiles everything to .NET via IKVM.NET in a FAKE build script and republishes it on NuGet. Automatic Java to .NET compilation – how cool is that?

Stanford NLP HTTP reference


“Manage your Paket dependencies from Visual Studio!” [project site]

Paket.VisualStudio is a VisualStudio addin that you can download from Microsoft’s VisualStudio gallery. Unfortunately even in 2015 Microsoft doesn’t provide an API for automating the upload to its gallery. Therefore Paket.VisualStudio uses Paket’s NuGet dependencies feature to download canopy and Selenium:


It then uses canopy + Selenium in a FAKE script to upload the addin via browser automation:

VS Gallery


“It’s part of Ionide plugin suite. F# IDE-like possibilities in Atom editor” [project site]

Ionide is an Atom plugin written in F#. It’s using Paket and FAKE to automate the build and release process.

First it uses FunScript to transpile F# to Javascript and then automates npm to resolve Javascript dependencies and apm to upload the plugin to the Atom gallery.


Akka.NET is a community-driven port of the popular Java/Scala framework Akka to .NET.” [project site]

Akka.Net is a big (mainly C#) open source project that uses FAKE and Paket. One interesting observation is that it needs to create different xUnit addins and therefore uses Paket’s groups feature to maintain the xUnit versions.



“The F# Data library implements everything you need to access data in your F# applications and scripts. It implements F# type providers for working with structured file formats (CSV, HTML, JSON and XML) and for accessing the WorldBank data. It also includes helpers for parsing CSV, HTML and JSON files and for sending HTTP requests.” [project site]

One of the many interesting things in FSharp.Data’s build is that it uses Paket to retrieve the FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack. These files need to be included in any F# type provider project and Paket allows you to manage this easily.


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