Rash thoughts about .NET, C#, F# and Dynamics NAV.

"Every solution will only lead to new problems."

Monday, 24. August 2009

SOLID Part I – The Open/Closed-Principle – C# vs. F#

Filed under: C#,English posts,F#,Veranstaltungen — Steffen Forkmann at 11:43 Uhr

Friday I attended the .NET BootCamp “NHibernate vs. Entity Framework” in Leipzig and as always it was a pleasure for me being there. Afterwards I had a nice talk with my friend Alexander Groß about the Open/Closed Principle. I didn’t really care about this principle before, but now I think it’s really a nice idea:

“In object-oriented programming, the open/closed principle states "software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification"; that is, such an entity can allow its behaviour to be modified without altering its source code.”


If we follow this principle we get lot’s of small and testable classes. I want to demonstrate this with a simple spam checker for mails.

Let’s say our mail class has only a sender, a recipient, a subject and the mail body:

public class EMail


    public string Sender { get; set; }

    public string Recipient { get; set; }

    public string Subject { get; set; }

    public string Body { get; set; }


    public EMail(string sender, string recipient,

        string subject, string body)


        Sender = sender;

        Recipient = recipient;

        Subject = subject;

        Body = body;




public enum SpamResult






Now we want to know if a mail is spam or not. Of course we need some rules and some kind of “rule checker” to decide this. Here is a very naïve implementation for this:

public class RuleChecker


    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)


        var result = TestRule1(mail);

        if(result != SpamResult.Unknown)

            return result;


        result = TestRule2(mail);

        if (result != SpamResult.Unknown)

        return result;


        // …

        return SpamResult.Unknown;



    private SpamResult TestRule1(EMail mail)


        // I don’t care about the concrete rules



    private SpamResult TestRule2(EMail mail)


        // I don’t care about the concrete rules



It is obvious that this implementation breaks the Open/Closed Principle. Every time someone comes up with a new anti-spam rule or the rule priorities change I have to modify the code in CheckMail(). Another problem here is that I can’t test CheckMail() isolated from the concrete rules.

With the help of the Open/Closed Principle our implementation could look like this:

public interface ISpamRule


    SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail);



public class RuleChecker


    private readonly IEnumerable<ISpamRule> _rules;


    public RuleChecker(IEnumerable<ISpamRule> rules)


        _rules = rules;



    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)


        foreach (var rule in _rules)


            var result = rule.CheckMail(mail);

            if (result != SpamResult.Unknown)

                return result;


        return SpamResult.Unknown;



Now you could easily write isolated UnitTests for RuleChecker.CheckMail() and for every new rule.

You get the your concrete RuleChecker by calling the constructor with a list of rules:

class MyFirstRule : ISpamRule


    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)


        // I don’t care about this




class MySecondRule : ISpamRule


    public SpamResult CheckMail(EMail mail)


        // I don’t care about this



// …

var ruleChecker =

    new RuleChecker(

        new List<ISpamRule>


            new MyFirstRule(),

            new MySecondRule(),

            // …


Alex please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is what you had in mind Friday.

As stated before, we end up writing lot’s of very small classes – mostly with only one (public) method. I think this is some kind of functional approach, the only question is how we glue our code entities together. Let’s look at the corresponding F# implementation:

type EMail =

  { Sender: string;

    Recipient: string;

    Subject: string;

    Body: string}


type SpamResult =

  | Spam

  | OK

  | Unknown


let checkMail rules (mail:EMail) =

  let rec checkRule rules =

    match rules with

    | rule::rest ->

      match rule mail with

      | Unknown -> checkRule rest

      | _ as other -> other

    | [] –> Unknown


  checkRule rules

The signature of checkMail is (EMail -> SpamResult) list -> EMail –> SpamResult, which means it takes a list of rules (as above the order is important) and a EMail and returns the SpamResult. In addition I exchanged the explicit foreach loop with a tail recursion to make it look more functional.

If I want a concrete rule checker I could use partial application:

let myFirstRule mail =

  // I don’t care about this

let mySecondRule mail =

  // I don’t care about this

// val ruleChecker :  (EMail –> SpamResult)

let ruleChecker =


    [ myFirstRule;


As you can see the F# implementation is nearly the same as the C# implementation, just without explicitly wrapping our public method in classes. If we would use Reflector we would see that the F# compiler is building the classes around our functions. One could say if we follow the Open/Closed Principle we come to functional code or the other way around if we write functional code we automatically apply the Open/Closed Principle. I think that’s why I really didn’t care about this before.


After thinking about this implementation and the extra type hint (see mail:EMail) I came up with a slightly more generic implementation:

type SpamResult =

  | Spam

  | OK


let checkRules rules element =

  let rec checkRule rules =

    match rules with

    | rule::rest ->

      match rule element with

      | None -> checkRule rest

      | _ as other -> other

    | [] –> None


  checkRule rules

Here I deleted the enum value for SpamResult.Unknown and used the standard None option. As a consequence the signature changed to:  val checkRules : (‘a -> ‘b option) list -> ‘a -> ‘b option. The function still takes a list of rules and a element and returns a option value. Now the checkRules function works with every kind of rule result and takes arbitrary elements.

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