In order to simplify the access of the FSharpx type providers I separated them into their own nuget packages. From now on we have:
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.AppSettings which generates setters and getters for application settings files. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Documents which allows strongly typed access to JSON, XML and CSV files. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Excel which provides strongly typed access to Excel spread sheets. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Graph which includes type providers for state machines and graphs. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Math which contains a type provider for vector data structures. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Regex which allows to access regular expressions in a strongly typed manner. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Xaml which includes a type provider for XAML files and therefor enables to use Visual Studios’s WPF Designer from F#. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Machine which provides strongly typed access to the Registry and the file system.
- FSharpx.TypeProviders.Freebase which allows to access the Freebase database with strong typing. [Read more]
- FSharpx.TypeProviders which installs all of the above type providers.
At the moment all type providers should work with .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 and F# 3.0.
Tags: F#, FSharpx, type providers