Rash thoughts about .NET, C#, F# and Dynamics NAV.

"Every solution will only lead to new problems."

Tuesday, 27. November 2007

Counterize II (Version 2.11) on WordPress.org

Filed under: Counterize — Steffen Forkmann at 10:10 Uhr

I am releasing a new version of Counterize II. From now on you can download the wordpress-plugin direct from wordpress.org-Plugin page or via SVN:


  • XHTML valid (thanks to Julia)
  • Japanese translation added (thanks to Urepko)
  • Excluding new bots (thanks to Emanuele)
  • Exclude if referer is the same as url (thanks to Emanuele)
  • GeoIpTool with new URL geoiptool.com/en/ ==> geoiptool.com/ (thanks to Emanuele)
  • Mass-Deletion (thanks to Emanuele)
  • Bot Yandex added
  • Spanish translation (thanks to Sandra)
  • Database-flush deletes all keywords
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  1. Danke fürs Erwähnen bzw. thanks for mentioning me 🙂

    My URL has changed in the meantime. (it is now the one I used for this comment)

    Comment by juliaL49 — Tuesday, 27. November 2007 um 10:58 Uhr

  2. URL changed.
    Thanks again.

    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Tuesday, 27. November 2007 um 11:34 Uhr

  3. Beautiful!!! I love your new counter!! Thanks for updating it ^_^

    Comment by Tiff — Wednesday, 28. November 2007 um 23:53 Uhr

  4. The last version didn’t work with the wp-cache plugin, will this one?

    Comment by Rekzai — Saturday, 1. December 2007 um 18:23 Uhr

  5. Hi Rekzai,

    sorry but I don’t think the idea of wp-cache and a stats-tool are really compatible.


    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Saturday, 1. December 2007 um 18:47 Uhr

  6. a little question: there are german language files, but where can I choose the (german) language? At the moment it’s all in english (version 2.12). thank you

    Comment by limette — Tuesday, 4. December 2007 um 17:09 Uhr

  7. I’ve just found that there isn’t a possibility in the current version, so no such question at the moment, I’m waiting for the next version 🙂


    But something else which I’ve encountered with an older version: the colored bars suddenly are not shown anymore. The only thing I’ve changed is in line 1340

    add_submenu_page('edit.php',__('Counterize II'), ...
    add_submenu_page('index.php',__('Counterize II'), ...

    because I wanted the menu to be showm on the dashboard page.

    I’ve tried to change it back, but there are still no bars.

    thank you 🙂

    Comment by limette — Tuesday, 4. December 2007 um 18:24 Uhr

  8. addition: instead of the vertical bars there is the word “Statistics”, and instead of the horizontal bars there are descriptive texts and/or numbers (in the actual version as well, in the older version I found out how to repair it, but in this version it seems to be more difficult)

    Comment by limette — Tuesday, 4. December 2007 um 19:09 Uhr

  9. Found: After updating: don’t delete the container with the old version. The colored bars are being taken from there.

    Comment by limette — Tuesday, 4. December 2007 um 20:14 Uhr

  10. This is fixed in 2.12.2

    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Wednesday, 5. December 2007 um 9:12 Uhr

  11. Hi!
    Thanks, Great Plugin!

    Is it posible to make a tab witch shows the country for a short overview?

    Greetings, Chris

    Comment by Christoph — Wednesday, 6. February 2008 um 0:57 Uhr

  12. Hi there,
    Has the plugin been tested with 2.7 or 2.8? The reason I’m asking this is because of a past experience with another plugin, my whole site went haywire. Thanks
    Hope to use it soon.
    Ms R

    Comment by Ask Ms Recipe — Monday, 29. June 2009 um 6:35 Uhr

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