Rash thoughts about .NET, C#, F# and Dynamics NAV.

"Every solution will only lead to new problems."

Saturday, 2. June 2007

Counterize II Version 2.08 released

Filed under: Counterize,Windows Vista — Steffen Forkmann at 18:37 Uhr

Today I released a new version of Counterize II (2.08).

I did some minor bugfixes and added 3 new stats. These features are based on a “Browser Sniff”-Component by Iman Nurchyo. Thanks Iman.

Here is the ChangeLog:

  • “%-Bug” fixed (% in graphs on new line)
  • MaxLabelWidth in Settings (width-fix for Firefox)
  • Shows online users
  • Shows browser icons
  • Shows operating systems

External stats page

Version 2.08 supports the browser and operating system icons on the external stats pages – view my stats page to see this in action. If you want to give your visitors such an overview just write <!-- counterize_stats --> into one of your blog posts or pages.

Download and Update

Please stick to the update instruction – this update changes the table structure. 

  1. Make a backup of your WordPress-DB
  2. Download Counterize II Version 2.08
  3. Deactivate the plugin
  4. Unzip the plugin to your plugin path
  5. Activate Counterize II

Have a lot of fun and tell me if you have any problems with it.

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  1. Sind wir jetzt bei 2.08 oder 2.09?
    Ich hab jetzt 2.09 mit Stand 2.08 installiert….glaub ich 😀


    Comment by Pinguin — Monday, 11. June 2007 um 11:37 Uhr

  2. 2.09 ist Hotfix für 2.08 😉

    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Monday, 11. June 2007 um 11:53 Uhr

  3. Hi Steffen,

    at the end I finished.
    Here you can find the localization files for Italian.

    If you have problem with the download try to copy and paste the address…sorry, but are limitations of the provider…otherwise send me an e-mail.

    The translation is based on the 2.09 English version (very very nice!! 😀 )

    I’ll post a message also in the Italian WordPress forum.

    And finally a couple of questions: in the future do you think will be possible to move the “exclusion bot list” from the code to something like the IP exclusion box in options?
    And regarding the IP exclusion box: is it possible to exclude only single IPs or also IP ranges?

    Thank you for this great plugin!


    Comment by Emanuele — Saturday, 16. June 2007 um 23:35 Uhr

  4. is this for the english version?

    Comment by Mark McGuire — Monday, 9. July 2007 um 6:23 Uhr

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