I have just released my newest version of Counterize II (2.05). I did a lot of refactoring and cleaned up a lot of things. Here is the ChangeLog:
- All TableNames replaced with function calls
- LocalizationFramework used (Translation in German)
- DayOfWeek-Bug fixed
- Display only external referers (Thanks to eric)
- Extremly speed up sql queries
- All stats moved back to Manage-Page (only for admins visible)
- Colors in all stats
- Separate statistics page for blog entries
- Microsoft URL Control-bot excluded
The biggest changes concern the analysis sql-statements. As I told before, IÂ have completely rewritten the analysis queries and therefore made some dramatic perfomance gains: I have 100.000+ log entries in my blog database. In version 2.04 it take 25 seconds to compute the complete statistics – in version 2.05 I need only 3 sec.
External stats page
Version 2.05 supports external statistic pages – view my stats page to see this in action. If you want to give your visitors such an overview just write <!-- counterize_stats -->
into one of your blog posts or pages.
Counterize II Version 2.05 is the first Counterize version which uses the WordPress Localization Framework. I translated the plugin into german. If you are interested in translating Counterize II into other languages just write a comment. Don’t be shy: It is very easy and I will provide technical assistance.
Download and Update
- Counterize II Version 2.05
- Deactivate the plugin on your WordPress-PlugIn-page
- Unzip the plugin to your plugin path
- Activate the plugin on your WordPress-PlugIn-page
Have a lot of fun and tell me if you have any problems with it.
Tags: Counterize, English posts
[…] Gestern wurde die neuste Version des WordPress Statistik Tools Counterize II veröffenlticht. Neben einer Funktion um die Statistik öffentlich auf einer Page zugänglich zu machen gibt es vorallem Performanceverbesserungen. Die ganzen Änderungen und den Download findet ihr auf der Counterize 2 Homepage. […]
Pingback by Pinguin-Land.de » Counterize II 2.05 released — Thursday, 3. May 2007 um 8:34 Uhr
für eine der kommenden Versionen könnte ich mir noch eine weitere Auswertung vorstellen. Ist zwar nichts neues sondern von der wordpress.com statistik abgeschaut aber für Cpunterize wärs bestimmt auch nich schlecht.
Eine Statistik auf welche Links auf der seite genutzt wurden. Zum einen fände ich die auswertung recht interessant zum anderen würde mich die umsetzung des ganzen interessieren. Bei der WordPress.com Statistik sind die links ja nicht manipultiert, und trotzdem kann gezählt werden welcher link gedrückt wurde.
Also das wäre noch meine Idee
Comment by Pinguin — Tuesday, 8. May 2007 um 9:50 Uhr
I did “an” italian translation of Counterize II.
At this moment I’m testing it.
Probably is not perfect (I did it very fast and I’m not using all Counterize features…), but if you are interested I can test it a little bit more deeply and send it to you.
Comment by Emanuele — Friday, 11. May 2007 um 21:55 Uhr
Hi Emanuele,
this would be very nice. Thank you.
Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Saturday, 12. May 2007 um 18:22 Uhr
I’m searching for hours now, but can’t find a solution to my question. I want to count pages in the wordpress subdirectory, which don’t actually belong to the blog. For certain reasons I had to install the plugin WPBan, now I want to keep track of access attempts.
The page should be located at:
Is there a tag which tells counterize to track taht page too?
Comment by KCCNET — Friday, 30. November 2007 um 10:54 Uhr