In the first part of this series I showed a naïve algorithm for the Damerau-Levenshtein distance which needs O(m*n) space. In the last post I improved the algorithm to use only O(m+n) space. This time I will show a more functional implementation which uses only immutable F#-Lists and works still in O(m+n) space. This version doesn’t need any mutable data.
/// Calcs the damerau levenshtein distance. let calcDL (a:'a array) (b: 'a array) = let n = a.Length + 1 let m = b.Length + 1 let processCell i j act l1 l2 ll1 = let cost = if a.[i-1] = b.[j-1] then 0 else 1 let deletion = l2 + 1 let insertion = act + 1 let substitution = l1 + cost let min1 = deletion |> min insertion |> min substitution if i > 1 && j > 1 && a.[i-1] = b.[j-2] && a.[i-2] = b.[j-1] then min min1 <| ll1 + cost else min1 let processLine i lastL lastLastL = let processNext (actL,lastL,lastLastL) j = match actL with | act::actRest -> match lastL with | l1::l2::lastRest -> if i > 1 && j > 1 then match lastLastL with | ll1::lastLastRest -> (processCell i j act l1 l2 ll1 :: actL, l2::lastRest, lastLastRest) | _ -> failwith "can't be" else (processCell i j act l1 l2 0 :: actL, l2::lastRest, lastLastL) | _ -> failwith "can't be" | [] -> failwith "can't be" let (act,last,lastLast) = [1..b.Length] |> List.fold_left processNext ([i],lastL,lastLastL) act |> List.rev let (lastLine,lastLastLine) = [1..a.Length] |> List.fold_left (fun (lastL,lastLastL) i -> (processLine i lastL lastLastL,lastL)) ([0..m-1],[]) lastLine.[b.Length] let damerauLevenshtein(a:'a array) (b:'a array) = if a.Length > b.Length then calcDL a b else calcDL b a
I admit the code is still a little messy but it works fine. Maybe I will find the time to cleanup a bit and post a final version.
Tags: alignment, Damerau, damerau-levenshtein, dna, dynamic programming, edit distance, F#, Levenshtein algorithm, Levenshtein distance
Thank you for posting, this is excellent. I would like to use it in my senior project, but there are no licensing terms posted. What are your terms of use?
3-clause permissive? share-alike? public domain?
Thanks again
Comment by Hans — Thursday, 9. June 2011 um 19:40 Uhr