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"Every solution will only lead to new problems."

Monday, 11. December 2006

Counterize II – Release 2.04

Filed under: Counterize — Steffen Forkmann at 10:34 Uhr

Ich habe soeben eine neue Counterize II-Version released. Es gibt dort einige BugFixes, neue Features und Strukturanpassungen. Unter anderem liegen die Counterize-Dateien nun nicht mehr ungeordnet im PlugIn-Verzeichnis, sondern erhalten einen eigenen Ordner. Es gibt nun als größtes neues Feature eine Auswertung der Suchbegriffe:


Details zu den Änderungen findet man weiter unten im ChangeLog.

Update von Version 2.03 oder früher:

  1. PlugIn deaktivieren
  2. Bitte alle Dateien die mit “counterize” beginnen aus dem PlugIn-Ordner löschen.
  3. Zip-File in den WordPress-PlugIn-Order entpacken
  4. PlugIn aktivieren
English – Version

There is a new Counterize II-Version with brand new keyword-statistics and a new file structure. See ChangeLog for details.

Update from Version 2.03 or earlier:

  1. deactivate plugin
  2. delete all counterize-files from your plugin-folder
  3. unzip Zip-File to your plugin-folder
  4. activate plugin
ChangeLog 2.04
  • custom whois-server
  • moved all files from plugin-root to own counterize folder
  • separate settings/admin page
  • stats moved to doashboard-subpage
  • ref-analyzer (http://nopaste.easy-coding.de/?id=146) for keywords
  • keyword-stats (alpha)
  • mysql-version independent table structure
  • don’t show stats, when db is empty (DivByZero)


  1. Die Version hat bei mir nach dem Updaten von 2.0.3 SQL Fehler wenn man nicht eingeloggt ist.
    Demo hier (ganz oben) http://www.anty.at/archives/firefox-schafft-den-acid2-test/

    Comment by anty — Monday, 11. December 2006 um 19:14 Uhr

  2. Hallo,

    hast du das Update nach meiner Anleitung gemacht? Das ist wichtig, da beim neuen aktivieren des PlugIns die Tabellenstruktur nachinstalliert wird.

    Überprüfe bitte ob bei dir die Tabelle wp_Counterize_Keywords existiert.

    Wenn nicht:

    CREATE TABLE wp_Counterize_Keywords (
    `keywordID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `keyword` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `count` int(11) NOT NULL default ‘1’,
    PRIMARY KEY (`keywordID`),
    KEY `keyword` (`keyword`)

    Und das Feld keywordID scheint in wp_Counterize_Referers zu fehlen:

    ALTER TABLE `wp_Counterize_Referers` ADD `keywordID` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ;

    Bei dir natürlich mit “at”-Prefix.

    Grüße Steffen

    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Monday, 11. December 2006 um 20:04 Uhr

  3. Ja, ich hab das Update genau so gemacht wie du es hier beschrieben hast.

    at_Counterize_Keywords existiert bei mir, nur bei at_Counterize_Pages fehlt “keywordID”.

    Ich hab das Problem mit diesem Code gelöst:
    ALTER TABLE `at_Counterize_Pages` ADD `keywordID` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

    Fehlt da ein FOREIGNKEY? Wenn ja, was referenciert er?

    Comment by anty — Monday, 11. December 2006 um 20:37 Uhr

  4. Bug hast du ja selber schon gefixed. Ist auch in der aktuellen Version schon drin.

    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Monday, 11. December 2006 um 22:35 Uhr

  5. So gerade geupdatet. Schöne neue Features 🙂


    Comment by Pinguin — Tuesday, 12. December 2006 um 13:28 Uhr

  6. Hi–I’m not a programmer and so get quickly confused about how to create new tables, etc. thus am hesitant to try to upgrade from Counterize to Counterize II. Will your version display a graph of unique IP addresses by month? {Or perhaps something that can already be done in Counterize 1 and I just don’t know how} Is this something that I would have to tweak it in order to do? If so, can you refer me to a page that provides easy-to-understand tips for someone like me to be able to make the necessary changes? for instance, I don’t even know what program I would use to create a table according to the directions you provided for the person with the MySQL problem (nor do I know what MySQL is!))

    Comment by Jesse — Tuesday, 12. December 2006 um 22:24 Uhr

  7. Hi and thanks for v2 of the Plugin.

    I’m not a German speaker but so I’ve added these comments below for English speaking folk.

    If you’re going from version 1 of the plugin to v2 then you need to alter your database using a tool like PHPMyAdmin because this Plugin doesn’t seem to update the structure to what’s needed when you install it.

    You need to use two commands:

    CREATE TABLE wp_Counterize_Keywords (
    `keywordID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `keyword` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `count` int(11) NOT NULL default ‘1′,
    PRIMARY KEY (`keywordID`),
    KEY `keyword` (`keyword`)

    and then

    ALTER TABLE `at_Counterize_Pages` ADD `keywordID` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL;

    If you use MySQL 5 like I do then the first instruction won’t work, instead use:

    CREATE TABLE wp_Counterize_Keywords (
    `keywordID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `keyword` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `count` int(11) NOT NULL default 1,
    PRIMARY KEY (`keywordID`),
    KEY `keyword` (`keyword`)

    I like the improvements thus far and will update my WordPress Plug-ins/Add-ons page to include this new revision.

    Comment by Rob — Tuesday, 19. December 2006 um 12:40 Uhr

  8. Hmmn – okay I seem to have an issue.

    For some reason the latest 50 entries table isn’t showing any data but it’s growing. See image to see what I mean:

    Comment by Rob — Tuesday, 19. December 2006 um 12:52 Uhr

  9. Image was stripped from my post so here’s the link – can you add this to my last post please:


    Comment by Rob — Tuesday, 19. December 2006 um 12:53 Uhr

  10. Hi Rob,

    it seems you didn’t refer to my install instructions. Counterize II has an automatic update process. Normally you have to do this:

    Update from Version 2.03 or earlier:

    1. deactivate plugin
    2. delete all counterize-files from your plugin-folder
    3. unzip Zip-File to your plugin-folder
    4. activate plugin

    Now have added your “own” tables and it seems that this results in a incosistent table structure.

    Try to deactivate the plugin, delete the records “Counterize_MajorVersion” and “Counterize_MinorVersion” from the wp_options-table and activate it again. Hopefully this helps.

    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Tuesday, 19. December 2006 um 13:08 Uhr

  11. Hi,

    I followed your instructions to the letter before posting; however I’ll delete the records from the options table and see if that helps.

    Many thanks for taking the time to respond to me.


    Comment by Rob — Wednesday, 20. December 2006 um 10:28 Uhr

  12. I’m afraid that made no difference 🙁

    Comment by Rob — Thursday, 21. December 2006 um 15:36 Uhr

  13. Please send a export-file with all of your wp_Counterize*-Tables to steffen.forkmann at msu-solutions.de

    Comment by Steffen Forkmann — Thursday, 21. December 2006 um 15:42 Uhr

  14. Thanks for the offer but I have now sorted this.

    For some reason, the theme I was using didn’t have a wp_head () call in it and therefore the stats bit wasn’t being invoked.

    All sorted now.

    Comment by Rob — Friday, 29. December 2006 um 14:16 Uhr

  15. thanks for the great plugin. I updated from the counterize plugin. Got the database errors. Put in the php query as you mentioned above. That got rid of the error message on the website. Now I still have an error in the admin counterize page.Under the browser section and below:

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘browserName’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT sum(count) as amount, browserName as label, browserCode FROM wp_Counterize_UserAgents group by label ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 5

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘osName’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT sum(count) as amount, concat(concat(osName,’ ‘),osVersion) as label, osCode FROM wp_Counterize_UserAgents group by label ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 5

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘r.keywordID’ in ‘where clause’]
    SELECT id, ip, timestamp, p.url as url, r.name as referer, ua.name as useragent, m.refererID, m.agentID, m.pageID, k.keyword, k.keywordID FROM wp_Counterize m, wp_Counterize_Pages p, wp_Counterize_UserAgents ua, wp_Counterize_Referers r, wp_Counterize_Keywords k WHERE m.pageID = p.pageID and m.agentID = ua.agentID and m.refererID = r.refererID and k.keywordID = r.keywordID and 1 = 1 ORDER BY m.timestamp DESC LIMIT 70

    I am using wp version 2.2.1. Counterize II version 2.10. Deleted all previous counterize files.

    Comment by impulse impulse — Sunday, 22. July 2007 um 11:57 Uhr

  16. Selber Fehler hier:
    Häufigste Browser (5)
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘browserName’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT sum(count) as amount, browserName as label, browserCode FROM wp_Counterize_UserAgents group by label ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 5

    Browser Anzahl Grafik / %
    Häufigste Browser-Versionen (5)
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘browserName’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT sum(count) as amount, concat(concat(browserName,’ ‘),browserVersion) as label, browserCode FROM wp_Counterize_UserAgents group by label ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 5

    Browser Anzahl Grafik / %
    Häufigste Betriebssysteme (5)
    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘osName’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT sum(count) as amount, concat(concat(osName,’ ‘),osVersion) as label, osCode FROM wp_Counterize_UserAgents group by label ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 5

    Fehlen Tabellen / Felder!?

    Comment by Hisky — Sunday, 27. January 2008 um 15:25 Uhr

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