In the last post I show how we can calculate clusters of n-dimensional Objects with the K-means-Algorithm in F#. This time I will simplify the code by using the built-in type vector.
First of all we redefine the interface for “clusterable” objects:
type IClusterable = abstract DimValues: vector with get
This time we do not need any dimension information – the vector type will care about this. Now we can reduce our distance function to:
let calcDist (p1:vector) (p2:vector) = (p1 - p2).Norm
The function Norm calculates the 2-Norm of a vector.
So calcDist will still compute the n-dimensional Euclidean distance.
The next step is the definition of a n-dimensional Centroid type. This time we will only use a type alias of vector:
type Centroid = vector
The calculation of the centroid and the centroid error can be written as:
let calcCentroid (items:'a list when 'a :> IClusterable) (oldCentroid:Centroid) = let count = items.Length if count = 0 then oldCentroid else let sum = items |> List.fold_left (fun vec item -> vec + item.DimValues) // vector addition (nullVector oldCentroid) sum * (1./(count |> float)) // multiply with scalar let calcError centroid (items:'a list when 'a :> IClusterable) = let sq x = x * x items |> List.sum_by (fun i -> calcDist centroid i.DimValues |> sq)
The calcError function is straight forward but not perfect in terms of performance. As we use the calcDist function and hence the 2-Norm the function will first calculate a square root and then squares the result.
The rest of the code is pretty much same as in the last post:
/// creates n-dimensional 0 - vector let nullVector (v:vector) = v * 0. type Cluster<'a> when 'a :> IClusterable = {Items: 'a list; Count: int; Centroid: Centroid; Error: float} member x.Print = printfn "(Items: %d, Centroid: %A, Error: %.2f)" x.Count x.Centroid x.Error static member CreateCluster (item:'a) = let items = [item] let empty = nullVector item.DimValues let centroid = calcCentroid items empty {new Cluster<'a> with Items = items and Count = 1 and Centroid = centroid and Error = calcError centroid items} member x.EvolveCluster (items:'a list) = let l = items.Length let centroid = calcCentroid items x.Centroid {x with Items = items; Count = l; Centroid = centroid; Error = calcError centroid items}
let rand = new Random() let InitClusters (k:int) (items:'a array when 'a :> IClusterable) = let length = items.Length let getInitItem() = items.[rand.Next length] Array.init k (fun x -> getInitItem() |> Cluster<'a>.CreateCluster) let AssignItemsToClusters k (clusters:Cluster<'a> array) (items:'a seq when 'a :> IClusterable) = if k <= 0 then failwith "KMeans needs k > 0" let findNearestCluster (item:'a) = let minDist,nearest,lastPos = clusters |> Array.fold_left (fun (minDist,nearest,pos) cluster -> let distance = calcDist item.DimValues (cluster.Centroid) if distance < minDist then (distance,pos,pos+1) else (minDist,nearest,pos+1)) (Double.PositiveInfinity,0,0) nearest let assigned = items |> (fun item -> item,findNearestCluster item) let newClusters = Array.create k [] for item,nearest in assigned do newClusters.[nearest] <- item::(newClusters.[nearest]) clusters |> Array.mapi (fun i c -> c.EvolveCluster newClusters.[i]) let calcClusterError (clusters:Cluster<'a> array) = clusters |> Array.fold_left (fun acc cluster -> acc + cluster.Error) 0. let kMeansClustering K epsilon (items:'a array when 'a :> IClusterable) = let k = if K <= 0 then 1 else K let rec clustering lastError (clusters:Cluster<'a> array) = let newClusters = AssignItemsToClusters k clusters items let newError = calcClusterError newClusters if abs(lastError - newError) > epsilon then clustering newError newClusters else newClusters,newError InitClusters k items |> clustering Double.PositiveInfinity
This vector approach shortens the code for the kMeans algorithm, but has a little longer runtime. I am interested in any suggestions.
Tags: Centroid, Clustering, k-means, KMeans, vector